Tuesday 3 March 2015

Land of Lost Treasures

These are some snaps from my newborn etsy shop 'Land of Lost Treasures'. If you like vintage clothing and denim then please please check it out. 

The idea to open this online vintage clothing store came to me when I recently attended a group interview for the new Bonds store opening in Melbourne Central. As I arrived I was immediately taken aback by the calibre of the people I was up agianst. Half of the 50+ girls that were waiting looked as if they'd gotten lost on their way to a model casting and I, with my orange cardigan and crinkled resume was already feeling severly inadequate. Subdueing the urge to bolt I entered the conference room and somewhere between self-pity and overpriced underwear I realised that:-
A. I probably wouldn't get the job.
B. The above fact didn't really bother me.
C. There could be other ways for an unemployed uni student to make money.

Now I wasn't exactly keen to join my roomate in handing out catalogues for $10 an hour so instead I turned to fashion. Clothing and in particular vintage clothing has always been a passion of mine and I figured why not? Why not sell something I love instead of something I'm paid to love. Didn't the Bonds executives know that the matching chambray shirts they were rocking for $60 a pop could be found second hand for a mere fraction of the price?

Needless to say I didn't get the job and when I got the news I felt neither suprised nor dissapointed. In truth I don't have a passion for Bonds or customer service and I'm sure that many of the girls there would make far better retail assistants. But let me assure you this isn't merely a self depricating rant. I swear I am good at some things and with that in mind please check out my store- 


  1. You're style is awesome!


  2. Vintage clothes are my love. I am so sad I did not have any money at the markets at uni today. You're still fabulous, show those Bonds retail assistants haha x

